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Wednesday, October 29, 2008
how is it this is already the school holidays but it doesn't feel like it?
i have like 11 pieces of homework and 9 band pracs. not counting the december pracs.
i am just so tired nowadays. i was so enthu about homework just a few days ago but now i'm just too lazy to even lift a finger and do something about it.
the sec 4s are in the midst of battling against the o levels. my younger sis is having her eoys now. my dad says that if my younger sis doesn't do well for her eoys, i won't get spared. which is like so weird cos i'm not even the one taking the exam. nevertheless, jia you and continue striving hard.
come to think of it, i've reflected and i realised that i didn't really do well this year. was just plain lazy and rebellious against my work and talking back to my parents. i've decided to change for the better. hopefully i will be determined enough.
(Ruby) ♥ 10/29/2008 11:43:00 AM
Saturday, October 25, 2008

really missing my friends in china and those in singapore, looking at my previous post i realised how much i miss them all though we'll still be in the same school.

we should really ask ourselves this question:
will we be like those little children who see a playground and treat it like a haven and take on the life of an upper sec student with a bright smile or will we take it on with a never-ending frown when children are faced with a rainy day which does not allow them to play in their little playground haven?

our life is like a swing when there are ups and downs. we will be down eventually when the swing stops but we could choose to be optimistic the pits of life and start up the swing again, getting back on our feet. i hope to have that same courage to start up that swing again and approach upper sec life with a smile on my face.(:
(Ruby) ♥ 10/25/2008 11:22:00 PM
Friday, October 24, 2008
Last or First?
yesterday was the last day of school. the really dreaded'report book' was given back to us. i couldn't restrict myself from crying. when iris went to get her report book she came back crying which made me more nervous. and i started crying for no reason as well. i hate this. i hate it that i can't control my tears. i was so sad that i didn't get the subject combi that i want. lao shi was like i can't bear to see you so upset, want me to call your mum to explain to her? i was like no need. and lao shi was so nice to give me a hug to console me.(:
anyway, jas got the combi she wanted but started crying for no reason. she said that she was one of the few that got into 3A1 so she will be separated from the beloved ATP. then chunhsin followed and started crying because of the same reason. soon the whole class was in tears. oh gosh. we should really never be separated from each other. how i wish changes and separation would never happen and everything would just stay the same. but that is like impossible. but why? i just can't understand.
i'll miss everyone of you.
to esther who is going away:ALL THE BEST IN EVERYTHING YOU DO
(Ruby) ♥ 10/24/2008 01:11:00 PM
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
hello. i'm like so dreading tomorrow, and i'm damn freaking pissed off by fb and stalker today. they were just so damn irritating. why is this happening. i hate them. i tried to forgive them. i really did. but i just can't. can she just stop following and sticking to us??

tomorrow, i will face my doom. hopefully a better doom. i really can't take it when i don't meet my expectations. i have prepared myself fully and decided to bring like 5 packs of tissue to absorb my continuing flow of tears. hopefully not that much though. i really don't wish to part with my friends and especially ATP. I'll miss you guys.

(Ruby) ♥ 10/22/2008 07:21:00 PM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Stressed out
why is it i'm under constant stress?
why is it expectations of me are forever higher than the rest?
just because i'm intellectually better? not that i am by a huge margin.
just because i'm a prefect?
do those things really make that much of a difference?
you say you care for me?
do you really?
why are you indifferent towards me but not the rest?

stressed once again.
(Ruby) ♥ 10/19/2008 10:56:00 PM
Saturday, October 18, 2008
helloooooooos. i read yingjia's blog and i decided that i want to have an emo post as well. about the fast approach of THE DAY

THE DAYis like dreaded by everybody. although we aren't very close but we still miss each other. let alone the ones that are close. with the stree of those few digits and letters that determine our future, not only in PL but also in the road of life ahead. i can't undrstand why this is so. why is it that such meagre numbers will determine our destiny and how people would look at us in future? why is everyone so competitive and due to that drive us to our very own graves? why? why can't everyone just be equal? what an unjust world. it's like 4 days away. counting down to the day where all our tears will flow like the river. and the memories of us together will be playing like a film without sound. maybe we won't really cry. or maybe we will. oh gosh. how i really dread the day. i can't stand to see the people around me being sad. only to be in the same class next year and realise that we have cried for nothing. that's what happened in p6. we ended up in the same school and some of us, surprisingly in the same class. how sad and yet coincidental.

ok maybe this is not very emo. but still. how tragic it is. har har.
(Ruby) ♥ 10/18/2008 10:57:00 PM
Friday, October 17, 2008
Enrichment. bleh
yoz wazzup. ok that was weird. haha. i think i shall begin again.

helloooos. ok. that was much better. haha. i've been having enrichment for the past few days in school and they are known to pl-lites as POST-EXAM ACTIVITIES wahahahaha. ok i just feel all weirdy inside now for i have no idea what reason.
anyway, i had chinese enrichment on monday followed by some girl-to-girl feminine talk thingy. the mask making and chinese knotting was kinda fun. but the teacher took away my wonderful masterpiece):
on tuesday, the school had founder's day celebration and the school is 92 years old!!! Happy Birthday PL!!! following that i had physiotherpy at KKH. the therapist was kinda pissed off with me cause i didn't do it faithfully due to the dreaded examination period.
on wednesday, i had a sexuality talk. it was really fun and interesting as we learnt about how abstaining from pre-marital sex can give our future spouse the best gift of all. we had chapel after that. everyone was so restless and figidty.
yesterday, i had financial literacy lesson which taught us how to manage ouur finances in future and the importance of saving up now. the power of compounding is really great. haha. we also had post secondary education talk. i had french lesson and band as well.
today, we resumed "normal lessons" although we didn't really do that cause our teachers didn't actually come to class.
anyways, this week was mostly bleh. i nid to go now to bleh. bb. going to watch perfect cut.
(Ruby) ♥ 10/17/2008 10:49:00 PM
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
hello. today is daddy's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!!
we had steamboat for dinner and chocolate cake for the well birthday cake haha. now it's picture time!!!

theeeeeee wonderfullllll steamboatttt

theeeeeee extraordinaryyyyy cakeeeeeee

oh, we went to jade room restaurant to celebrate my dad's birthday in advance on sunday. and yup you guessed it. we ate steamboat. haha. it has become a diet for us. healthy mah. haha. pics time again.

just look at the irony. jade and jade. haha.

i found that these 2 chandeliers look like the one from phantom of the opera. haha.

random but fun pic(:

the big logo.haha.

oh, we finally finished the hated innovation week. we had to spend so much time but the only things we got were better social skills and better IT skills? haha. cos the information in everyone's advertisements were more of common knowledge already to people who had younger siblings as they had to look out for them.

oh oh oh, tomorrow and friday are dreaded as well. it's time for the showdown with the EOY results. i really hope i did well. sigh):

anyway, that's all for now. lazy to type already. sayonara(:
(Ruby) ♥ 10/08/2008 10:51:00 PM
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Children's Day
today is children's day. yipee.everyone thinks that teenagers like us should be celebrating youth day instead of children's day. i mean we still have the child in us we have to satisfy the desires of. and besides, we would always be children in our parents eyes.
anyway. enough talk about that. i went to macs for lunch today at amk hub. i know. you may think macs is like whatever. but i haven't had a proper macs meal for like i think 5 months. which is like a gazillion in ruby years. haha.
then, i thought my parents brought us grocery shopping at ntuc instaed of getting gifts when i told her what i wanted for children's day like i think 2 days before hand. oh well, at least my dad brought my phone for repair and now it's alive!!!
he told me that i owed him like 70 bucks for the repair but i was like" can this be children's day gift?" and he went laughing away. haha.
oh yah. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ISABEL! this is important because i am her partner for almost every class. hee(:
ok like that's all i dunno what else to type so i shall stop here.
(Ruby) ♥ 10/01/2008 07:19:00 PM
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