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Friday, February 4, 2011
CNY Celebrations! Bunny bunny...

(Ruby) ♥ 2/04/2011 12:46:00 AM
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Today marks the start of a new phase for those in JCs. It also got me thinking about those who got posted to the JCs. Wanting a gathering nowadays is so difficult, due to inefficiency and unorganized planning. So listen up, I CAN TAKE LEAVE AS LONG AS YOU TELL ME 2 DAYS BEFORE SO THAT MY MANAGER CAN FIND PEOPLE TO TAKE OVER ME. Don't always come up with last minute decisions with no details that i can't agree to.

*Breathes out*

Now that I've gotten it out of my system, feeling much better.:D
(Ruby) ♥ 1/27/2011 11:06:00 AM
Monday, January 24, 2011
Way too long since I've last posted. About 8 months. Looking back, it's been a hectic and packed 8 months and counting. Heck, it's been a hectic past year, dealing with PB, CB, the BIG Os, friends and family. The lethargy coming down is so overwhelming that it's getting difficult to breathe.

I did some spring cleaning the other day and found a box which I'd used to keep notes from friends, teachers and mentors. Every single time I picked up a note and read through it, I guess I do feel that so and so has been impacted by me some way or another. And then I ask myself, Was I a positive influence? What impression did I give? Then I think back to the specific events of the past year. Some of which I'm not too proud of/quite embarrassed by, some of which made me really angry and of course those that brought happiness to my life. The people who were involved in all these different happenings. I think further and realised I may have been living behind a facade all this time, saying something but doing something else instead. Even in front of people whom I address as "my closest friends".

Then another question pops into my mind, Who are my closest friends? What do I define as a close friend? Someone that understands me completely, always there for me when I need her? Or someone that won't complain even when I call her up in the middle of the night to complain about insomnia even if she has been in lalaland for the past 2 hours having the greatest dream ever? Do I have such friends? Happenings of the past year proves me wrong for some of those "close friends" of mine. Have I been a great friend to them? I did put my best effort in being their friend so I can say that I have, I guess...

Talking about effort put in, studies was another huge hurdle that I had to overcome. My mind was always filled with the up and coming Os but at 4 months to the big exam I was still watcing dramas.(bad) At the final lap after the Prelims I would say that I did put in effort but was it enough? I don't know. But did I reap what I sow? I guess. 3A1s in EL, E Math and Chinese, 6B3s in A Math, HCL, Combined Humanities, Biology, Chemistry, Physics. Was that considered good? I really have no clue. Many would say "Having an L1R5 of 12 and ELR2B2 of 9 is SO good. Go for JC lah."

And then they ask, "Where do you intend to go?"
"Ngee Ann Poly."
"Why you so silly? just go JC lah."
Talk about breaking the stereotypes of polytechnics. Every single time I hear such comments, I feel as if I've disappointed yet one other person. But did I really? It's just so hard to live up to everyone's expectations. I think I've somehow lost my sense of direction already. I don't really have any goal to work towards. Is going to poly really such an embarrassment? I don't think so. Will I do well in poly? I'll do my best. I may not become the top student but I believe that I can do well if i put my mind to it. Hopefully, that would get me somewhere in this stiffling world of expectations and certifications.
(Ruby) ♥ 1/24/2011 08:31:00 PM
Saturday, May 8, 2010
this post is a little late... but had a great birthday like 2 weeks ago. have been busy with mid years.D: it sucks btw, to have your birthday during the exam period.

anyway, thanks for the great presents. although it felt rather dreary on that day with the rain and all.

will be going on hiatus most likely till after Os or during June hols depending on my marks and schedule.

now back to mugging for the last 6 papers!
(Ruby) ♥ 5/08/2010 11:01:00 PM
Friday, March 19, 2010
It has been a long long long time since I posted. I don't know if it was just me being plain lazy or I have no proper management of what I do. The Os are aproaching real quickly and here I am still procrastinating and sleeping for long hours. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU RUBY?!?!?!?!
I seriously need to wake up and work. Whenever I start lazing around, I picture my classmates studying hard and I try to do the same but I end up lazing around again. My body is not with me. MIND OVER MATTER RUBY! My future for A Math is brightening whereas my future for Chemistry is still like a pitch black tunnel. What am I supposed to do now? I'm just not seeing it. Should I have just dropped to Combined Science? It would have been a waste to my other 2 sciences which are picking up. PROCRASTINATION IS BOUND TO KILL ME ONE DAY!
Now, back to supposed mugging!
(Ruby) ♥ 3/19/2010 06:59:00 PM
Friday, January 1, 2010

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1! Happy New Year! :) Okay...that was just "self-high-ness".A year has finally gone by and a lot has happened.
Just got back from camp about 2 days ago and I admit that I rather enjoyed myself with Ben 10 and Alien Force. Of course not forgetting the bonding time within my group of great friends Bi Hui, Janelle, Rachel L. , Hwee Xian, Amanda and Wei Qin, telling each other lame jokes and having meals together. :)
This camp has taught me a lot although it was just a simple one in school. It taught me much about accountability, responsibility, and independence. Being responsible for my own health and my dorm mates, being accountable towards my parents about my safety and health and being independent during the camp and not being so reliant on others.
I've also learnt about changing my perspective when I look at things. Through the paradigm that Ms Gan mentioned during one of the sessions, I now feel different when I face different problems and situations. :D
Hopefully in Year 2010, I'll be able to face problems with a different outlook and be able to have a breakthrough from 2009! :D
(Ruby) ♥ 1/01/2010 02:00:00 PM
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Past, Present and Future

Hey people. I had this sudden urge to wanna blog. I was talking to Janelle online recently and she mentioned about how time flies by so quicky that in just a few months time, we'll be having our last pb installation, last pb handover, last founders day, last sports day, etc. It just suddenly struck me that PB has impacted me and enriched my life in PL greatly. Looking through all the photos of the times in PB, I realised that I made many great friends who go through thick and thin with me, and care about me greatly. I really appreciate all of you! (:

Suddenly deep in my heart, I wish that time would just slow down and not go by so quickly. I don't want the goodbyes to come so quickly, where i have to part with my beloved friends.
I don't want the Os to come either. It's scaring me that I only have less than a year to study for this major exam that's going to be such a big milestone in my life. I keep telling myself that I have to do well, but can I really do it? I dunno. But I really hope so...
Time please stop at this very moment....

(Ruby) ♥ 11/26/2009 10:12:00 PM
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